Monday, April 5, 2010

Flicker photos

Flicker is a great way to save and edit photos. You can keep them private or put them up for everyone to see (and use). I have hesitation in making my photos public for all to see, but having the opportunity to view them as private will be a positive incentive for students to up load photos that they can use both at home or with other school projects.

The use of the public photos could be beneficial to students when creating works of art, needing to add appropriate pictures to specific work assessment pieces or teachers could use them as ways to generate communication, both verbal and written.

Although I am in favour of using flickr photos for student benefits, the school I am employed at as a teacher aide does not allow flickr to be accessible to students from the school network. They are blocked from this site. As a teacher we can use it, which would mean we could save what WE wanted the kids to use but this takes away from them the chance to make choices of their own. Sometimes we may have wonderful technology but without access it becomes irrelevant to the students.

I have attached a photo here as one I chose from flickr. It depicts how I sometimes feel as I work my way through this course material. Some days I feel at peace with all the technology and information and then other days I feel like I am so far under the water that I am about to drown. This picture says both feelings - depending on how you look at it.

Photo courtesy of flickr. Retrieved on 5th April, 2010.

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