Saturday, March 27, 2010

Headlice Powerpoint

I have enjoyed putting my powerpoint together. I chose to complete one that I thought could be altered for various age groups at school. The subject is relevant to all primary school students and with this in mind I wanted to create something that I thought I could possibly use when I start teaching. Head lice is so prevalent in all schools and it is vital that all children understand what it is and how to treat and prevent it from spreading. Its one of those yucky subjects that constantly is embedded in the school health system. I wanted to create a powerpoint that could be used as a discussion starter and interactive way of sharing relevant information. It is designed for lower primary - so only incorporates basic information.

My idea was to create a topic that covered the Engagement theory of Relate - Create and Donate. In addition to the powerpoint student could interact in small group discussions, do think-pair-share activities and I would also send the students home with a information sheet for parents. I think this is a great way to encourage students to take ownership of their own health and the health of others around them.

Power points are so easy to use and kids just love putting things together to show the rest of the class. My daughter, 7 years old, is constantly putting her own powerpoints together for her class discussions - these can be as simple as inserting photos into the presentation with some words to describe what is happening to her full on 2 minute presentation on an Australian animal. She is in her element when she puts her fingers on the keyboard!

I have noticed that when I embedded my powerpoint all my transitions, sounds and some of the colours have either gone or changed. I'm not sure how to fix this at the moment.


  1. Hi Sally, I really like your presentation on Head Lice and particularly as you have cleared up some common misconceptions. I agree your presentation could be modified slightly for different age groups but overall I think it is visually well balanced, easy to understand and informative. You have a good balance of visual without too much text which I think is great for younger primary school students. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Sally,I really enjoyed your PowerPoint presentation and I think it is a great topic to cover especially among primary school students. Your presentation was interesting and easy to read / view. Great work!

  3. Hi Sally, Great presentation! Simple, yet effective. But, personally, I think that's how powerpoints should be otherwise they will be too difficult to follow. Regards, Natalie
