Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Setting up my Blog

This has been a mammoth task. The initial stages of setting up my blog was easy, but then came the making sure all my settings were correct. We were asked to use the image recognition feature to stop "spam". This idea is apparently very important. Well I haven't found where I am suppose to do this so if anyone can let me know that would be great.

As I started to then organise my RSS, so I could monitor everyone's posted comments I found I wasn't sure if I had done the correct thing and questioned, had it worked? Well, after re-watching all the video's I finally realised that I have correctly inserted it all but that I have actually inserted my own name as a follower of my own blog. I still haven't worked out how to delete my following - if anyone can help that would be great.

Blogging so far has taken up large quantities of my time (time is a pretty valuable resource at the moment - not alot of spare available!!) but I feel I am finally getting the hang of it.


  1. Hi Sally, I have spent an enormous amount of time on the blog too. I am still fuzzy with the features such as the antispam thing and RSS feeds. But it does have potential (even for someone like me who has no idea about these things. As for deleting yourself, go into Google Reader and in your subcription list, go to your blog and you will see a little arrow on the right hand side. Click on this and click unsubscribe. See if that works. Regards,Natalie

  2. Ah, thank you Natalie. I had done the same thing as Sally and managed to follow my own blog. Scot sent me a suggestion to block myself but I didn't have that option for myself - only other followers. The unsubscribe from Google Reader did the trick.
